Sociаl and economic integration of children without parents and parental care
“Enabling sociаl and economic integration of children without parent and parental care” is our latest project that is founded by the European Union as part of the project Do we reselmble EU? implemented by NGO Balkon3. It is implemented in cooperation with Association for children without parent and parental care Big Family.
The general goal of the project is creating a model for continuous following and implementation of children without parents rights and their social and economic integration into the society by the support of the local municipalities, communities and the socially responsible companies.
Through the project activities – creating short video and social media campaign, stakeholders round table, analysis on the legislative, etc we will emphasize the need for respecting the basic rights and freedoms of this target group, present their reality, initiate debate and give recommendations for improving their condition.
We will also encourage this target group by presenting the successful and positive experiences of individuals who had the status of being children without parents and parental care.
Во прилог ја споделуваме и публикацијата која е резултат на спроведеното истражување и анализа на состојбата на децата без родители и родителска грижа.